Thursday, August 21, 2003

Peeve Relief:
Always wanting to make my own drive as easy as possible in the morning, I avoid merging at all costs. When I am transitioning from the 14S to the 5S, I always stay in the lane that doesn't need to merge. If I choose the other faster lane, then I am forced to merge in order to avoid getting trapped on the 210E because the 14 disappears.

So this morning, I was cruising along in my non-merging lane at morning highway speeds (30 mph) and I noticed a black Mercedes to my left with its turn signal on, indicating that it wanted to merge from the 5S to the 210E. I decided to widen the space in front of me a little to let it over. To my right, a silver Dodge sped up to try to steal the spot so that he would be able to get in front of maybe four cars by staying in the faster lane instead of choosing the non-merging lane, as I had.

The Mercedes won the showdown and I sped up to close the space between us. The Dodge was coming over to cut me off anyway! Of course traffic was slowing down because this was happening in other places ahead of us, as well. Traffic came to a complete stop, but I noticed that it was in our lane only. Then I noticed that there were no cars in front of the Mercedes. It was the Mercedes that had brought traffic to a halt. I thought that maybe the Dodge had bumped the Mercedes.

Then the Mercedes guy - about fifty maybe, looked a little like the CEO of my company, but a bit stockier - got out of his car on the freeway and walked back to the Dodge guy. I quickly realized that the Dodge did not bump the Mercedes. The Mercedes guy was just pissed. By now, I was looking in my side mirror for space so that I could get out of this lane before one of them shot the other one. No one was letting me over. The Mercedes guy was talking to the Dodge guy. The Dodge guy looked like he was about to have an aneurism - he was about the same age as the Mercedes guy but looked like a school principal. The Mercedes guy looked like he was lecturing a wayward child about traffic safety rules.

I was finally able to merge into the next lane and continue the remaining 45 minutes of my hour-long commute. I looked in my rearview mirror in time to see the Mercedes guy returning to his car. Thanks for getting my back, Mercedes guy.


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