Monday, December 22, 2003

Morons! I hate morons! So yesterday I discovered that my Alaska Cache card for my Northern Schools Federal Credit Union account has expired. I don't recall getting a new one. So today I call and get this guy on the phone and said that my card has expired and I don't think I've received the new one. He was like "Did you request a new one?" And I said "One would think that since this one expired last month, I wouldn't have to request a new one, one would just come in the mail." I'm now on hold. I would like to point out at this moment, I am on hold on a long distance call since they don't have an 800 number for those outside the state of Alaska. Ok so apparently since my account has been inactive for a year, (and they've been deducting 5.00 from my account each month that it has been inactive over a year), this does not warrant me a new Alaskan Option card and I have to reapply for one. Asshats. It would've been easier just to open a new damn account at a credit union here. Of course now that I've done all this, I'm not going to want to try something new. AND since I have money going into this account on Wednesday, this is what has precipitated this whole misdadventure.

On another wholly unrelated note, I forgot that I could've gone to training at 2:30 instead of the mind numbing massive boredom I've experienced this afternoon.


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