Monday, February 02, 2004

You know I've never really thought about it, but that's probably it.

Honestly I have two things going for me at my job...
1 - I am BORED... When I think back to all the classes I really flaked off in, they were the ones I was bored in and the ones that were too easy. Having the same problem here. There is no challenge here. No excitement. A trained chimp could probably do this job. (ok there is still things I need to know that a trained chimp wouldn't know but you know what I mean)
2 - The other part is that frankly there is not enough work for me to do. I have pointed this out to my boss and apparently we are at a slow time right now. It is hard for me to get excited about doing work when there isn't any for me to do... AND perversely, even when I have work to do I procrastinate the hell out of it because I know it isn't like there's a huge amount coming up or anything. IF I finish what I'm working on... where does that leave me? Same place as before... no work.
3 - (yeah I know i originally said only 2) Michelle's totally right on the motivation thing. I avoid conflict enough not to get into trouble, but at the same time, I'll get a 2% raise whether or not I do an awesome job or only a halfassed one... PLUS somehow the person who had this job before me allegedly filled her day... I have yet to figure out how.


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