Friday, March 19, 2004

I used to be fun.

Now, I am boring. I thought it was because I am a wife instead of a drunken slut. It turns out, not surprisingly, that it is actually my job. My job, as mentioned on previous occasions, saps my will to live. My job also keeps me from hanging out with my friends. When I went to Seattle for a long weekend, I had fun. I had fun with my old college pals. I had fun without being a drunken slut, so I know it can be done.

I am obviously trying to remedy the job situation, but I also need to hang out with people. Fun people. Adult people without children people tagging along. I am not sure how to go about fixing that one, but I think that moving to the beach will help since we will live near more people we know instead being trapped out in the suburbs where we only know two couples who are very busy themselves.

I really have no idea what the hell I am talking about today, but I am wearing kicky red shoes so it really isn't too bad of a day.


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