Friday, April 09, 2004

Someday I hope to again have a day off from work that I can actually enjoy. This is what is going on today.

7-8:30 am: Clearing out the dining room, kitchen, and laundry room since the tile guy is coming later.
9-10 am: Give the dog his sedative and wait for the tile guy to show up.
11 am: Cesar shows up to babysit the tile guy. I take the dog to the kennel and go on to the new house.
12-2 pm: Inspection at the new house. The husband should being showing up at the inspection sometime in the middle of it, having come straight from the airport.
2:30 pm: Tell Cesar he can go home if he wants to, but if he doesnt, he is welcome to hang out in our child-free zone.
2:31 pm: Collapse from exhaustion at having been up late working on the house every night this week.
2:32 pm: Quit my freaking whining and finish painting the bathrooms.

I can't think much further ahead than that.


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