Monday, June 07, 2004


I did not unpack a single box this weekend even though I left all of Sunday free for that purpose. I took a nap instead. A really nice one on the couch even though the couch is really too small for napping.

The husband said not to worry about it. He is concerned about my stress level since I had a freak out a couple weeks ago.

"Don't worry about the boxes. We can move them into my office for the party."

"The party?"

"Yeah, the housewarming party."

"Which is at the end of July?"


As lazy as I am - believe me, I admit to the full extent of it - I feel certain that I can at least get the boxes in the living room unpacked by the end of July. Probably.


Blogger Peeved Michelle said...

Re: The Freak Out

I was totally stressed out from moving, getting the new dog, going on vacation (not the relaxant you would think it is), and starting a new job. I just had this one day where I had a meltdown and felt like every decision was a bad one, like we shouldn't have moved and I shouldn't have left my old job and we would never have any money ever again. Of course, all the decisions were fine but since I don't normally have a meltdown like that, the husband was understandably concerned about it.

4:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


lol...j/k!!!!!!! lol

~ timmy

12:26 PM  

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