Tuesday, August 10, 2004


To all you idiots who spit your gum out in random locations: screw you, you lazy bastards. The earth isn't a goddamn ashtray or gum receptacle. Get a piece of paper, put your gum on it and wait until you see a trashcan, you morons.


Blogger Peeved Michelle said...

Did you get some gum on your cute shoes?

9:37 AM  
Blogger Joanne said...

My mother has the uncanny ability to locate a discarded piece of gum within a 5 mile radius I think. I don't think we've been to a theme park, zoo, or other children's entertainment venue without her stepping in, sitting on or some other form of attracting chewed gum. The worst was arguably Disney World where she sat on a half wall... yup in a piece of gum. She was pissed and of course it is next to impossible to get out of anything. I feel the same way about littler in general. In most cities (although I've noticed it especially in Seattle) we have trash cans like every 3 blocks. Just carry your trash a few extra feet! (my mother and most people I know... feel this same way about people who leave poopie diapers in parking lots...)

9:58 AM  
Blogger TIMMY! said...

or at the very least throw it in a bush where nobody steps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

just the other day i my flip flop came off my foot as i kept walking because it was stuck to a piece of gum on the ground...ewwww

11:38 AM  

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