Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Stupid Truck Drivers

Another dreary story about my RX-8. In my daily commute home, luckily I only have to travel south on the 101 for about 1 mile. That's all, just one mile. So, yesterday, I enter the freeway at Calabasas and merge with the bumper-to-bumper traffic. Joy. Then suddenly, I look in my rear-view mirror and I see this big rig truck ON MY ASS. And I don't mean like a car's length away. I'm talking a couple of pubes from my bumper. So this continues for about 150-200 feet until I have to stop for traffic. And then... BAM BAM! He hits me. I had to lay on my horn. Now, I thought that this guy was just fucking with me. You know how some truckers like to tailgate? Turns out that "I didn't see you" was his reason for hitting me. What the fuck? Then I said "Get a booster seat then you ass-monkey!" Ok, I didn't really say that, but I wanted to. So now I have to get my rear bumper fixed. Not happy about this. The car is brand new.


Blogger Peeved Michelle said...

Sorry to hear about your rear end.

11:37 AM  
Blogger Joanne said...

Damn that sucks! Way back when I used to drive, I as always a little afraid of semis. I wsa nearly driven off the road by one.

11:38 AM  

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