Monday, September 20, 2004


I was born approximately 30 years and an hour and a half ago. My stepdad asked me if I was going to start lying about my age now. Hell, no. As long as people keep saying, "You don't look 30," with sincere expressions on their faces, I will continue to tell the truth.

Oh, no! My favorite character was just killed on CSI: Miami.

I guess I am over my 30 angst.


Blogger Kate the Peon said...

Happy late birthday!!!!!!!!!

7:29 PM  
Blogger Peeved Michelle said...

Thanks. For the most part, I have been getting two questions following "Happy Birthday."

Q: How does it feel to be 30?
A: Not much different.
Alt. A: You tell me, or can you not remember back that far?

Q: Did you have an exciting birthday?
A: Not really. We spent most of the day on the road, coming back from Vegas.
Alt. A: Not really. I smoked some crack, bought some man whores and knocked over a liquor store.

10:52 PM  

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