Friday, October 01, 2004

Catsup or Ketchup?

I had a random thought, "Why isn't ketchup just called tomato sauce?" so I thought I would have to do some looking around on the internet for an hour or so to track down the answer. I typed "origin of ketchup" into Google and this article was the first one on the list. Mystery solved.


Blogger Rob Burton said...

Hmmm You say Tomato we say Tomaato. Here in the UK Tomato Ketchup is always Tomato Sauce as Oscar Wilde says 'We have really everything in common with America nowadays except, of course, language'.
Oscar Wilde, The Canterville Ghost, 1882

Like your blogs!

3:03 AM  
Blogger Peeved Michelle said...

Thank you for liking my blogs. I like your literary reference.

10:17 AM  

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