Sunday, October 03, 2004

Local Semi-Celebrity Sighting

The husband and I were having dinner at Yoshi's Shabu Shabu in Sherman Oaks on Saturday night and I noticed a hispanic lady who I thought would have looked prettier without the lip collagen and nose job. I didn't think anything more of it until I saw a gaggle of Japanese girls pointing to a head shot on the wall of fame behind them. It was a signed photo of Laura Diaz from the local CBS news. It was the first time I had ever seen someone actually patronizing a business that displayed her head shot.


Blogger Rob Burton said...

Hi Is that a 'headshot' as in JFK? Just askin....

2:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a mean, bitchy thing to say about a wonderful person. Your abuse of the first amendment should not be tolerated. Sounds to me you're jealous your picture isn't up there on the "wall of fame."

2:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hate people with seb sites who just love to bash other people simply because they earn their living in front of the camera.

2:41 PM  
Blogger Peeved Michelle said...

Dear Anonymous,

Mean? Check.

Bitchy? Check.

Assholes? Check. Did you perhaps miss the whole point of this blog?

Immature? How is pointing out bad lip collagen immature? Live in LA long enough and you can recognize bad plastic surgery on anyone.

Celebrity bashing? Not really. I love celebrities. I have many friends who work in front of and behind the camera. And if any one of them every abused their face with that nose job/lip collagen combo, I would certainly call them out on it.

One more thing: grow up. How easy it must be to sit up on your throne of righteousness, posting ANONYMOUS comments on someone's blog. If you had the nerve to post comments with your name, I might have had the tiniest bit of respect for your opinions.


P.S. No need to worry about me disgracing Yoshi's with my presence again. The food sucks and is overpriced.

3:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get a life. How can you judge a person by their appearance? You are a shallow person.
This is what you live for? No wonder you're jealous of people who are on TV.
PS- you made my day when you said you'd never set foot in that place again. Now it' safe to return.

5:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

By the way, my name is Bill and I'll be at Yoshi's at 9PM this Friday. I'd love to meet you.

6:20 PM  
Blogger Peeved Michelle said...

Dear Anonymous,

Are you kidding me? Still hiding behind the anonymous comments, I see.

In response:
1. Hi, Pot. It's me, Kettle.
2. I was not judging Ms. Diaz, as a person, based on her appearance. I was simply making an observation and an astute one at that. Laura Diaz may be the most wonderful person in the world, but I don't know her so I really can't comment on that. What I can comment on is her face, having seen it in person. Why is that you, anonymous reader, can't seem to separate looks from personality? Is it not you who is judging the book by the cover?
3. Shallow? Sometimes, but not in this case. If I was commenting on Ms. Diaz's reporting abilities or her fitness as a wife or her intellectual prowess and I brought up the nose job and the lip collagen, well, then you could call me shallow. But, in case you didn't notice, I was simply commenting on her appearance, which in itself, is not shallow. And, if you will read more closely, you will see that I made the observations about her appearance before I knew it was Laura Diaz, so it actually is impossible for me to have been judging Ms. Diaz since I didn't know it was her.
4. This is what I live for? Hardly. If you will take a moment to peruse the rest of the blog, you will see that I have a grand total of 3 celebrity postings out of 797. Apparently, I have other things on my mind, as well.
5. Jealous of people on TV? Now, in the spirit of logical arguments, there is nothing in my post regarding seeing Laura Diaz at Yoshi's that you can extrapolate into a broad generalization of my jealousy of people on TV. I made a specific comment about a person's surgically abused face before I even knew that person worked in television. So, in using this argument, you have made a tactical error, anonymous reader. In addition, you should examine your own motive in accusing me of jealousy since that is the most common excuse used by people who can't take criticism. "Oh, she is just jealous." It is the sort of thing that mommies tell their kids when no one wants to be their friend. Let me assure you that I have no desire to be semi-famous, to appear on TV or to have plastic surgery. Your jealousy argument just doesn't stand up to scrutiny.
6. Regarding your PS, you can stop pretending you have no association with Yoshi's now.


P.S. I find it interesting that you have yet to deny that Ms. Diaz has had plastic surgery. Since you appear to know her well enough to call her a "wonderful person" and to jump so vehemently to her defense when there was really no attack in the first place, I wonder why you have yet to deny my original observation that she "would have looked prettier without the lip collagen and nose job." I think the best outcome of this discourse is that I will now try to hunt down a "before" picture to prove my point.

6:39 PM  
Blogger Peeved Michelle said...


6:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does that mean I won't be seeing you at Yoshi's this Friday? I didn't think so. And Laura Diaz is a hottie. I've watched her on the news for 20 years. She's a great journalist. You're also an angry, ethnically biased person by refering to her as a hispanic person. What does that have to do with anything?

11:01 PM  
Blogger Peeved Michelle said...

Dear "Bill",

I never said that Laura Diaz wasn't pretty. In fact, if you will read what I said more closely, you will see that I said she would be "prettier" without the plastic surgery from which you can infer that I did in fact think she was pretty to start.

As for being ethnically biased, that is a load of crap that you are likely using because you seem to be running out of arguments. Is Laura Diaz hispanic? Yes. Is using that fact as a descriptor inherently biased? No. Am I hispanic myself? Yes.

As for going to Yoshi's on Friday night... hell no, I'm not going. Anyone who would get so worked up about something so minor is not someone I want to meet. Thanks anyway.


10:51 AM  
Blogger Peeved Michelle said...

I guess "Bill" (Mr. Diaz?) gave up.

8:00 PM  
Blogger Orion_skie said...

Michelle, I applaud you on your blog and the way that you are handling "Bill". He seems like a total 'tard who needs a little lesson in what I'd like to call "manners." Good job on your blog!

3:15 PM  

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