Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Gosh Damn It*

I am getting sick. I sort of felt like it when I work up this morning and planned to pound the echinacea when I got to work. The whole way to work I felt worse and worse and now I just sneezed. It wasn't the "oh, it's so dusty in here" kind of sneeze. It was the "now my head feels like a brick and the back of my mouth has that icky feeling" kind of sneeze. Echinacea, don't fail me now.

*"Gosh damn it" is what a friend of mine in college used to say when he wanted to curse but didn't want to take the Lord's name in vain. He was very Catholic. Except for the time when he knocked up his girlfriend.


Blogger Joanne said...

Ahh, but he did the honorable thing and married her... And has done the very Catholic thing of having like 10 more kids (or 2 same diff), who photograph like they are all rejects from the 80's.

5:51 PM  

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