Tuesday, November 09, 2004

More meeting peeves...

Today was day 2 of my conference.

1 - Shit always happens when I'm not in the office that gets my boss all pissed off at me. Sigh.
2 - People who ask these incredibly complicated and intricate questions that are related to the topic but are so obscure that it only affects like one out of every 1000 people so really isn't pertinent to the group.
3 - Tappers and clickers need to not do that.
4 - Addendum to the cellphone peeve, people who have cellphones that have the alarm when there's a message. People who leave their pagers and beepers on and people who have palm pilots that have reminder noises. All who fail to turn them off suck.


Blogger Cindy-Lou said...

3 - Tappers and clickers need to not do that.

That's hilarious!

7:31 PM  

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