Wednesday, January 12, 2005


I recently asked this question of TIMMY!: Do you still have hope that one day your life will be exactly what you want it to be?

I do. My life right now isn't what I want it to be. It isn't a bad life, but it isn't exactly what I was hoping for. What I want keeps changing, but I still have faith that someday what I want my life to be like and what my life actually is like will be the same thing. I am actively trying to make that happen and I am shooting for it to be done by summertime.

Do the rest of you still have this hope?

Here is TIMMY!'s answer:
My life will never be exactly how I want it to be because what I want in my head is different than how things really work in reality. Situations and every day life are always changing, so what I want is constantly changing. There are basic principles of life that I want that can't be purchased, and I believe I will have those someday.


Blogger Joanne said...

I don't know if I have this hope, maybe because I don't know what I want my life to be. Sometimes in my imagination I think that I could see myself on the porch with my husband/partner a few grandkids in the front yard. But would the reality of that be too mundane, or boring or not what I really want? So maybe my answer is similar to Timmy!'s. I know what I hope for ultimately: a family (husband, kids - even if I have to buy them on ebay), a small but comfy house, a dog playing in the yard, a job where I can feel good about what I do. Apparently I want the total suburban dream. :)But yeah I hope it turns out that way, and probably fear a little that it won't.

1:16 PM  
Blogger Peeved Michelle said...

Well, my time limit is not "I need to sell a screenplay but the end of the summer." My goal is to write full time whether or not someone is always paying me to do it. That is something that I think I can achieve by the end of the summer. There is still a chance I will get into grad school and will be going to school full time in the Fall, which would necessitate quitting this office job anyway, but I am not counting on that to happen. Between the husband's income and any freelance work that I can pick up, we should be able to get by nicely. For Christ's sake, whole middle class families live on less than half of what we make. We are disgusting, materialistic pigs. Yeah, anyway, we should be able to do it.

1:49 PM  

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