Friday, February 04, 2005

Round 3 Results

After Round 2, I was pretty sure I knew who was going to win, but I had already concocted Round 3 so I went ahead with it anyway. Now, I am glad I did. I was right about Round 3 breaking the weak.

1. Find a post about an artificial limb. Read about the peg leg.
Jen#####: Correct.
Matthew: Correct.
HG: Did not answer.
Kate the Peon: "Tell me again why I'm doing this?"

2. In which month were there only two posts? July 2003
Jen#####: Correct.
Matthew: Correct.
HG: Correct.
Kate the Peon: Correct.

3. Who was thought to have fallen to her death at the two year blogiversary party? Peeved Michelle
Jen#####: Correct.
Matthew: Correct.
HG: Correct.
Kate the Peon: Correct.

4. What was the date of Cindy Lou’s (CL) first post? Sunday, November 28th
Jen#####: Correct.
Matthew: Correct.
HG: Did not answer.
Kate the Peon: "Cindy Lou Who?"

5. Find as many posts as you can about poop. I don’t actually know how many there are.
Jen#####: 14 (and had this to add: “by the way, my comment about the fart yesterday was nothing compared to some of these posts about poo”)
Matthew: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16
HG: Did not answer.
Kate the Peon: 6

6. Find as many posts as you can that mention the song “There She Goes” by The La’s. 1, 2
Jen#####: Correct.
Matthew: Correct.
HG: Did not answer.
Kate the Peon: "You're kidding, right?"

7. What was the nickname for Joanne’s semi-boyfriend from over a year ago? The Yeti
Jen#####: Correct.
Matthew: Correct.
HG: Correct.
Kate the Peon: Correct.

8. When did the posts start having comments? Tuesday, May 11, 2004
Jen#####: Correct.
Matthew: Correct.
HG: Correct.
Kate the Peon: Correct.

9. What unlikely substance gave Nikki a hangover last summer? Ritz Bitz
Jen#####: Correct.
Matthew: Correct.
HG: Correct.
Kate the Peon: Incorrect. (Guessed Power.)

10. What did two straight boys do to Joanne that she didn't like but that she let 500 gay boys do to her? “Honeyed” her.
Jen#####: Correct.
Matthew: Correct.
HG: Correct
Kate the Peon: Correct.

Bonus: When is Peeved Michelle’s birthday? September 20th
Jen#####: Technically correct, though not specific with an answer of “mid-September.”
Matthew: Correct.
HG: Incorrect. (Guessed September 25th)
Kate the Peon: Correct.

Double Bonus: What will you buy her when she turns 31? There is no one right answer, but there are many wrong ones.
Jen#####: Anything you'd like, sweetie. (Ok.)
Matthew: Crate & Barrel gift card & bottle of Cabana
Boy Cherry Rum. (Very good.)
HG: Pineapple rum and cookies. (Good answer. I wish I had some cookies right now.)
Kate the Peon: Something from Crate & Barrel. (Good good.)


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