Monday, January 31, 2005
Search Results
thank you
Peeved and Bothered
Sunday, January 30, 2005
Boo Hoo
I seriously DID TRY to come post a couple of times over the past few days, but Blogger was being a complete BITCH! Now we've kissed and made up, so here I am.
My first peeve is this: retail people who shove you your change (bills and coins) and receipt all in one bunched up ball and then stand there all pissy like because you are still putting it away in your wallet two seconds after they handed it to you in a freaking HEAP. I love when they do the little sigh and eye roll to the person behind you like, "I'm sorry she's SO SLOW". Or when they just reach past you to the next person like you're a huge inconvenience to them. Sometimes I like to stand there even longer just to piss them off.
I'm peeved, I'm bothered!
Startling Discovery
Saturday, January 29, 2005
Cherry Rum
Friday, January 28, 2005
Further Admissions
- I am channeling Mr. Rogers. When I got home, I threw off my trendy knit poncho and put on my frumpy cardigan. I kicked off my tall shoes and slid my feet into my terry cloth slippers. I did not, however, sing a little song.
- I ate an obscene amount of goat cheese on bread for dinner.
- I was unable to find Cabana Boy Cherry Rum at the fancy grocery store so I picked up a bottle of Malibu Coconut to replace the one I depleted earlier in the week. I was inordinately happy to find a bottle and a half of Malibu Pineapple in the cupboard when I got home.
- The boy dog is totally getting on my nerves tonight. I like the girl dog better.
Basic English Words
ACCEPT: (1)To receive (something offered), especially with gladness or approval (2) To admit to a group, organization, or place (3) To regard as proper, usual, or right.
EXCEPT: (1) If it were not for the fact that; only (2) Otherwise than (3) Unless (4) To leave out; exclude.
They are not the same word and cannot be used interchangeably. Thank you very much. Now you will stop making the error and I will not have to stab you in the throat with my pen.
Best of...
1 - Don't keep resending the survey invite.
2 -Don't send like 10 survey invites in 1 day.
3 - If the survey is too long I find myself no longer caring.
4 - If you ask for my zip, why are you also asking for city & state? You should be able to figure that from the zip, that's the whole point.
5 - Ditto with date of birth & age.
Thursday, January 27, 2005
Must Flee TV
I'll be good and take my laptop to Starbucks and do some writing tonight. And while I'm there I will resist every temptation to try that new chocolate drink that I see on every billboard. I just gotta stay strong and keep looking at the lame French saying of the day calendar sitting on my desk with today's edition: "Ca me grossit, ce manteau."
Translation? This coat makes me look fat.
Wednesday, January 26, 2005
I'm still the same girl you fell in love with
Brought to you by P&B Blog Operations.
Damn the Fish
Where's Sigourney Weaver?
On the Chopping Block
- Bubba (That's ok. This blog is no place for my husband anyway.)
- New Jan Brady (Does she have Posting Anxiety? Post Fright? She has never posted once!)
- Nikki (She was once a steady source of peevishness but we haven't seen much of her since last Fall. I think she broke up with me and I just haven't caught on yet.)
- Adam (He is one of the most cantankerous people I have ever met so I know it isn't because he doesn't have anything to post about.)
Please note that I will be holding auditions to fill any vacancies. Details to come in February.
Sadly, my blogroll must say good-bye to Ian in Australia and Dan in the UK, both of whom have finished their writing projects and are moving on with their lives. Maybe I can't relate because, unless it is an essay, I never seem to make it to The End or FADE OUT.
Adios, foreign dudes.
Tuesday, January 25, 2005
Some reasons it's probably best I don't have any kids yet
- I just had a salad followed by a bowl of cereal for dinner.
- I use the coffee table as an ottoman. Not just putting my feet up on it, but sliding the whole thing up under my legs.
- I just threatened to kill both dogs, probably going into more detail than either one of them could understand.
- I now keep the bottle of Malibu rum on the side table next to the couch.
- I have an Alaskan ulu knife on display within reach of tiny grabbing hands.
Oh, and just in case, it's "Elle attend le prince charmant."
I'm back!
If you are a doctor, lawyer, or anything where you paid $250 grand for your education, it doesn't mean crap when you send in a letter to customer service if the question has nothing to do with your chosen profession. So, don't sign it Dr. Ima Blowhard or Jerk Meoff, Esq. thinking that is going to impress everyone. You ain't gonna be treated any differently than anyone else. Go stroke your ego elsewhere!
New Shoes
Also, I hate the phrase brain fart and cool beans. Those phrases are over. Let's move on to new ones shall we?
Monday, January 24, 2005
Peeve Free Zone
My Morning, by Michelle
Please only let him have something caught in his throat. Please, please, please. Nope, that is definitely the sound of puking. I turn on the light in time to catch the boy dog upchuck a second time in his bed. There's no way he could have just leaned over a bit and puked on the much easier to clean hardwood floor, is there? I yell at the dog as he starts to lick it up. That is more than I can handle at the moment.
I lay there for a minute, thinking about what I need to do now. This happened to the girl dog a couple months ago, so I know how to take apart the bed and that it is washable, but what a pain in the ass. I get up and let the dogs out. The boy dog starts the horking sounds again in the hallway so we run to the door. I go back and drag both beds from the bedroom to the laundry room, trying not to touch the pukey part.
I unzip the cover on the outer bolster and throw it in the washer. I pull the pillow out of the middle and stuff it in, too. Wow, the boy's bed fills the whole machine. The girl's bed fit much better. I put the soap in and go to take a shower before turning on the washer.
The boy dog seems fine, a little cough now and then, but no more puking. Still, to be safe, they aren't getting the run of the house today. Sounds like the washer is done so I go to the laundry room to put the bed in the dryer.
The evil glisten of a puddle of water meets me at the door. Lovely. The washer overflowed. At first I think I am an idiot for stuffing that pillow into the washer. Then I notice all of the clumps of dog hair in the water and think I am an idiot for not vacuuming it off first. Maybe the dog hair clogged up the works. I open the washer and pull out the pillow. Except for the part that was right where the water comes out, it is completely dry! Apparently, this one is totally waterproof and repelled the water right out of the washer and onto the floor.
I am tempted to just leave the giant puddle of water and call the housekeeper to come clean it up, but as much as I want to be, it turns out I am not that kind of person. I mop up the floor with towels, pulls out the dryer and mop up underneath it. I see a power strip on the floor lying in the dampness. That can't be good. I decide to leave it alone. I pull out the washer, but it doesn't go far. I mop up the best I can and leave all the towels on the floor to deal with later.
I arrive at work, looking forward to a yummy breakfast but when I open up my desk drawer, I see that I am out of oatmeal.
Oh, and I am so not taking care of those dog beds when I get home. I am stopping at the pet store and buying new ones. I am THAT kind of person.
Saturday, January 22, 2005
The top five
4. Self absorbtion
3. Game players
2. Drama queens
and the #1 quality that irritates the fuck out of me:
Not having the decency to talk to someone you have a problem with.
Friday, January 21, 2005
![]() | You scored as Orange-yellow. You happy-go-lucky kid, you. You brighten everyone's day, even though you may be a little daffy and ditzy at times.
Which crayon color are you? created with |
I am a dirty, dirty liar.
![]() | You scored as Black. You are dark and mysterious. You creep around like you have something to hide, don't you, you dirty, dirty, liar?
Which crayon color are you? created with |
where's the maid?
Thursday, January 20, 2005
cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey
- act like a monkey in the zoo
- Monkey see, monkey do.
- cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey
- monkey around
- what are you going to do for a face when the monkey wants his bum back?
- A monkey in silk is a monkey no less
- monkey business
I can have both?
What I took away from this program was that I could have BOTH a housekeeper AND a house manager. I can't help the way I feel. I want to pay people to do things for me. I made some silly statement a couple weeks ago about how I was going to fire the housekeeper to save money and that the husband and I were going to clean the house ourselves on the weekends. What a crock! I just knocked her back from every week to every other week and that is saving us $50 per month.
Anyway, my new dream is to have a household manager, but I want one who went through this certificate program.
Certified Professional Household Management
Our 8-week program offers the building blocks of a successful career in Household Management. Students learn the essentials, from the proper techniques for the care of a home of wealth to managing and relating to other staff. In between you’ll learn about the lifestyles of the wealthy, understanding the needs of a family, how to relate to an employer, time management, fine dining service and etiquette, planning elegant and/or extravagant events of entertaining, and much more. Whether you are beginning a new career path or aspiring to move from housekeeping to a position with more responsibility, you will find the tools you need for success in this program.
Certified Administrative Household Manager/Personal Assistant
Our next level of training is often taken immediately following the 8-week course by students who wish to gain the knowledge necessary to move into a more administrative position. This 3-week program demonstrates purchasing for the wealthy, advanced safety and security issues (such as identity theft and high-tech home security), managing household staff, maintaining files and paperwork, creating and maintaining household inventories, managing multiple homes, and much more. Two years’ previous household management experience or the successful completion of our 8-week program is required for enrollment into this program.
Disclaimer: I do not consider myself to be wealthy. I can only dream that one day I will be so rich that the full impact of my shallowness and materialism can be felt by all. Don't worry, I'll give to charities.
Holes in pockets
Wednesday, January 19, 2005
I really mean it, you guys. I am like so mad right now.
Talk about a heartbreaker! It's a safe bet that none of your exes is feeling warm and fuzzy about you right now. Your coldhearted ways may make things easy for you in the short run, but it's time to start thinking about the other person's feelings -- and the bad karma you're spreading!
I totally don't buy it, though. If you take the quiz, check out what they say your responses should be. Some of those sound way meaner than my choices.
Sad day for Heather...
Tuesday, January 18, 2005
Yes, I know it tastes like ass. You have to drink it anyway.
It's your world isn't it, part 2
It's your world isn't it, part 1
you're fired
The donald of the opera?
"The Apprentice is heading to Broadway. Seriously. According to The Hollywood Reporter, Mark Burnett and Donald Trump are developing The Apprentice: The Musical. Burnett, who is currently writing the book for the musical, describes it simply as "a love story" — presumably between a man and his ego."
Personally, I think it should be called Hair 2.
Monday, January 17, 2005
Martin Luther King Day
Sunday, January 16, 2005
Dear Lady in the Parking Lot,
Saturday, January 15, 2005
Ah, Married Life
-Watching Saturday Night Live
-IMing with Joanne
-Playing Burning Monkey Mahjong Solitaire
-Twisted ankle propped up on pillow
This is what I am wearing:
-Fuzzy black slipper slocks
-Ice pack strapped to ankle with dish towel
-White granny panties
-Pink Disco Queen tank top
-Black poncho (got cold in just a tank top)
Dead sexy.
Friday, January 14, 2005
Cellphone guy
I want to go home!
Thursday, January 13, 2005
My first peeve...
I'm seriously pissed that, out of the thousands who work here, there are seemingly only a handful of capable people in my company. I mean, seriously, I now have to be Producer, Designer, Creative Director, Co-Product Manager, Coder AND QA guy for this project? I'm doing six jobs and there are literally a dozen people within 20 feet of my desk just standing around? I know, co-PM, that you've gotten me more and more resources as we encounter new obstacles. But when I have to train them to do the job you pulled them in to do, or when I have to spend two hours every day on the phone explaining their jobs to them, that's not helping.
I moved to the Design group so I could be shielded from this incompetence and bullshit (sorry, Nikki, to leave you behind).
Product Management -- FYI, Here is my job:
I will take your stupid idea that will be a sure monetary failure and has no apparent purpose, and I will make it pretty and as user-friendly as possible, given your addle-brained and incoherent original proposal. I will try to offer suggestions to make the thing less stupid, which you will ignore. And then I will pass it off to engineers to implement. If need be, I will consult to engineering and QA as development continues.
I'm sick of running your meetings, I'm sick of presenting your assy ideas to Marketing or Sales because you're either unable to communicate your ideas, or embarrassed (as you should be) of them. I'm sick of having to defend your stupidity to my boss when he says "why is there X button?" and I say, "because X said it has to be there, and would not listen to reason." And I'm sick of having 6 hour meetings with you, trying desperately to suck requirements out of you because you're too lazy and/or incompetent to write them down. No, I will not just "mock it up and then we'll talk about it" -- WITHOUT SOME REQUIREMENTS THERE"S NOTHING TO MOCK-UP! Who is your audience? What is their skill level? What do you want them to do? If you want multiple things from the product, what is most important? How can we track success? These are simple, simple questions you should ask yourself before you come to me, and if you don't know the answers SIT DOWN AT YOUR DESK AND FIGURE THEM OUT!
I know, I know, I used to be a member of your group, and a half a dozen other groups. I know, I am capable of performing many duties at this company. But I am paid to be a designer, that is what I choose to be. Do you not think there's a reason I left those other groups to come here?
Maybe after the reorg it will be better.
Listen, Lady
cha cha cha
to officemate and guy who I don't know what you do
IRS - 05
Road Rage
Wednesday, January 12, 2005
Does Not Compute
Here is an excerpt from one of the posts on her blog, wherein she rethinks the tone of her posts. (I won't link to it out of concern for her obviously very sensitive feelings.) I totally can't relate.
After talking about this blog with Mom and Dad and re-reading some of it, I got pretty embarrassed about how pissy most of it sounded. Not that I don't ever get pissy, but I'm not a teenager anymore, and I feel like it's no longer couth of me to share all of my angst with the whole world. 1. that's what my journal is for 2. it's not really nice or productive of me to put all of my bitchy little thoughts out there for the whole world to see. Sure, it's a little embarrassing, but mostly I'd feel bad if someone read it and felt bad.
I do. My life right now isn't what I want it to be. It isn't a bad life, but it isn't exactly what I was hoping for. What I want keeps changing, but I still have faith that someday what I want my life to be like and what my life actually is like will be the same thing. I am actively trying to make that happen and I am shooting for it to be done by summertime.
Do the rest of you still have this hope?
Here is TIMMY!'s answer:
My life will never be exactly how I want it to be because what I want in my head is different than how things really work in reality. Situations and every day life are always changing, so what I want is constantly changing. There are basic principles of life that I want that can't be purchased, and I believe I will have those someday.
Ahoy, matey!
Tuesday, January 11, 2005
Stupid Crap Commercial
Dear Mr President
How nice of you to come into the office to give my officemate a gift and completely ignore me (as you always do). I'm sure the book is fine reading: "Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking." And officemate, as you saunter in around 10:30 each day and leave by 5, you can write the sequel, "Wink: The Power of Working Without Working."
I think I'm going to lose my mind
My reply: "...your transaction did not go through as there was a denial of your credit card number by our processing company. It may be that you entered some information incorrectly, but as it stands now there has been no charge. If you would like to try again and still have a problem, we can investigate further. Thanks."
Customer e-mail #2: "I paid your fee once, why does it want me to pay again to use the service?"
My reply: "We apologize if you did not receive our original response from your first e-mail. However, your credit card transaction did not go through as there was incorrect information entered in the form. Please try purchasing again. If you continue to have problems, please let us know. Thanks."
Customer e-mail #3: "I PAID FOR...BY CREDIT CARD. ..DO YOU HAVE TO PAY AGAIN ?...What good is it? PLEASE EXPLAIN."
My reply: "Apparently, you are not reading our responses. Again, your credit card was not charged because the information you provided was either incorrect or incomplete. This is why you do not have access...You will need to go through the purchase process again. If there is still confusion, please call me at...Thank you."
Customer e-mail #4: "Do you pay more than one fee? Once does not get you all of your package?"
My reply: "You are a fucking idiot! What part of YOUR CREDIT CARD DID NOT GO THROUGH do you not understand?! It is people like you that make me want to jump off a bridge! How the hell did I get stuck doing this shit for a living having to placate stupid people like you? I'm sorry, "placate" is probably too big a word for you to understand. Just GO AWAY! Does that make "sence?!!!"
Suck It
Poor Dawn Anna
Don't believe me?

I don't think I like...
Monday, January 10, 2005
- I stick my finger in the peanut butter jar.
- I love Hello Kitty.
- I worship Nicole Kidman. I wish I could be her.
- I would totally get plastic surgery.
- I don't like U2.
Boss's job peeve
rain rain go away
Sunday, January 09, 2005
Cindy Lou made me do it
In the year 2005 I resolve to: |
Saturday, January 08, 2005
Sissy Dog
Friday, January 07, 2005
what happened to school busses
Thursday, January 06, 2005
Dawn Anna
How you like that?
Just a word to the wise
Yay! I Win
And another thing. That report I did per your request on our competitors that went absolutely nowhere. Well? What's up with that. Thanks for wasting about 3 weeks of my time (well, 3 weeks in between reading articles on the Philadelphia Eagles online). Note this is different than my weekly report that (except for you, Michelle) goes nowhere except into the Deleted file. Yes, anger does increase ball size. Boss, to give you credit, you realized I was right.
So, official stats just in--80% dropoff in traffic due to the change. And now the link goes back up where it was.
Me: 1
Those who dare to disregard me: 0
Dear This Side of the Second Floor,
I know you're Jewish...
I saw a license plate frame that read, "Christopher's Golf Bitch." The rear window had in it a Calvin golfing sticker. It didn't look like there was any peeing involved. That's not so bad, though. Then I noticed the license plate. It read, "WYT ANJL." I think I am making that face again right now.
Wednesday, January 05, 2005
hey officemate
Speaking of tsunami donations
Job I want peeve & real pet peeve
Baxter (for those that don't know small sable ferret, maybe 6 inches off the ground tops) likes to run around under my feet. When I am walking down the short hall from the bedroom or bathroom to the living room she is constantly either right where I am picking up a foot or right where I'm putting a foot down. As a result she is constantly getting kicked or I am walking some weird stilted way down the hall. Then I feel guilty for having kicked her, even though she forced me to. She keeps coming back for it, though, so I'm leaning towards some masochistic behaviors. Either that or she is too codependent to get out of the abusive situation. Considering she probably has gender identity disorder because I originally thought she was a boy (for years, long story she was already fixed and bit so it wasn't like I could do a lot of investigating, and the penis on boy ferrets retracts all the way inside so there really was nothing to see), I guess this isn't too shocking.
What exactly are you using to steer with?
Sexist Pigs
"Her name is Jane Doe."
"And who is she?"
"From our loan company."
So the sexist bastards call MY number, ask for MY husband. Hello? I am smart enough to apply for and qualify for their best loan, but I can't schedule an appointment for them to come over and appraise my house? Because I put my husband down as a joint loan applicant means that he automatically makes all the financial decisions in the family? I think not. Fuckers.
Tuesday, January 04, 2005
Memo to Writers Guild of America
Although I am not a member (but hope to be one day), may I propose a new rule. Any writer who puts into a script a scene whereby a character takes a bottle of milk out of the refrigerator, drinks it, is told it is breast milk, then spits it out, must be kicked out of the guild never to return. Exhibit A: "Meet the Fockers." Exhibit B: "Every bad sitcom ever aired on television."
Thank you.
Michael (Future member)
Virgin Blogger (no relation to Richard Branson)
Why won't you just sleep?
Final Notice
Monday, January 03, 2005
Saved from Spinsterhood
Gym Locker
Being an Adult is Painful
I was understandably alarmed by such a number, so I rang up the editor who writes all of our consumer automotive advice articles. He was very patient and nice to me so if you could all go out and buy his book as thanks, I would appreciate it. I had the dealership fax over a price list and went over it with the editor. He basically said everything on the list is overpriced. For instance, they wanted to charge me $510 for the tires. I called up my old place and they said $279 out the door. Anyway, the editor told me to get all of my service records and see what has actually been done and then shop around for service. Painful. Pain. Full.
So, the assy dealership is putting on the full-size spare and fixing the alignment for $70.
Sunday, January 02, 2005
Theater Peeve
edited because apparently Wrattling is not how you spell rattling and Michelle is anal. :)
What has been pissing me off, though, is seeing characters on TV who are supposed to be like 26, 27, 28 and the actresses who are playing them are like 36, 37, 38 and look every year of it. No way in hell some bitch who is 38 and looks it is going to run around saying she is two years younger than me. I won't have it.
Tonight I told my younger sister that she is going to have to say that we are fraternal twins since I am going to tell people I am the same age she is, 27. After talking about it a bit more, we decided that we are actually 25. Her husband said we shouldn't have any trouble passing for it. We also talked about moving to Malaysia, but we said we will wait until we are 30 for that.
I told my mom that if my sister and I are five years younger, that means she was actually 21 when she first got pregnant, not 16. She said no, that means she is now actually 42 instead of 47. I thought she would want to get rid of the stigma of a teen pregancy but she said she would rather have those five years back.
Saturday, January 01, 2005
Looking Back
The number one favorite feature of the old site was The Hall of Exes. There are only four listed, but they are the highlights of my dating life. At one point, there was another section of The Hall of Exes called Purgatory. The husband ended up in there for awhile when we were dating. We were seeing other people and it was looking like we were going to break up. Obviously, we didn't. He made me take down the Purgatory page even though I still thought it was funny as hell.
If you check out the Pet Peeves, you will notice many recurring themes. The peeves of old were organized in much more straightforward lists, quite unlike the rambling diatribes of today.
One of my favorite features was the movie reviews section, especially One-Minute Movie Reviews. Movie Review Haiku was pretty good, too.
Bored Drunk
The International League of Peevishness & Botheration
As the founding member of the International League of Peevishness & Botheration, I have a lifetime membership that does not require renewal. You, however, do not. All current contributors have until midnight on January 31st to renew your memberships. It's easy to do. Just post anything to the blog before that time and your membership is renewed. Failure to do so will result in your expulsion from the blog.
No fooling. This is the year of the hard ass.